Details of Staff Members

Photo Name of the Staff Designation Experience (in years) Educational & Professional Qualification
photo Shri. Lalit Dinkar Joshi
Principal 16
B. Sc. (Phy, Math, Comp. Sci.), M. Sc. (Physics) B. Ed. (Phy, Math), Diploma in School Management, Certificate Course in Computer Network
photo Smt. Manisha Ashish Sharma
Post Graduate Teacher (Biology) 21
B. Sc. (Chem., Bot, Zoo.), M. Sc. (Chemistry) , M. Sc. (Botany), B. Ed (Bio., Chem.), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Sanghamitra Ranjit Datta
Post Graduate Teacher (English) 18
B. A. ( Eng(Hons), Hist.,P. Sci. ), M. A. (English),
B. Ed. (Eng., Hist.)
photo Smt. Vani Pramod Shende
Trained Graduate Teacher (English) 25
B. A. (Elt, Pol. Sci., Eco), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng, Soc. Stu.), Diploma in School Management, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Nandita Bharat Deshpande
Trained Graduate Teacher (English) 16
B. A. (Elt., Socio, C/E) , B. A. (Add) Hist, M. A. (Eng), B. Ed (Eng., Hist.), CTET (Elementary Stage)
photo Smt. Shikha Dhiraj Chawhan
Trained Graduate Teacher (English) 15
B. A. (Elt,Eco, Soc), M.A. (Eng), M. A. (Socio), M. A. (Hist.), B. Ed. (Eng, Eco)
photo Smt. Poonam M. Manni
Trained Graduate Teacher (English) 24
B. A.(Elt, Soc, Pol), M. A (Eng.), B. Ed (Eng, His), CTET (Elementary Stage)
photo Smt. Nilima Anoop Handa
Primary Teacher (English) 28
B. Sc. (Che., Zoo., E.S.), B. A. (Add - Elt), B. Ed. (Bio., Chem.), L.L.B.
photo Smt. Sheetal Virendra Gujar
Primary Teacher (English) 20
B. Com., B. A. Add (Elt.), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed (Eng., Eco.), M. Ed.
photo Smt. Shamshad Afroz Mohammad Javed
Primary Teacher (English) 16
B. A. (Elt, Psy, Soc), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng, His), Trained Teachers Certificate – for Anglo Indian Schools
photo Smt. Sanjivini Umesh Shende
Primary Teacher (English) 10
B. A. (Elt, Psy, C/E), M. A. (Eng.), D. Ed., B. Ed. (Eng., Hist.)
photo Smt. Alefia Mohammed Master
Primary Teacher (English) 16
B. A. (Eco, Elt, Hlt), M. A. (Eng), M. A. (Urdu), B. Ed. (Eng, Eco), Certificate Course in Urdu
photo Smt. Laxmi Prashant Agrawal
Primary Teacher (English) 13
B. Com, B. A. Add (Elt), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eco, Eng), P.G. Diploma in Montessori Teachers Training
photo Smt. Deeksha Saurabh Tiwari
Primary Teacher (English) 8
B. A. (Elt, H. Sci, Skt), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng, H. Eco)
photo Smt. Prerna Vaibhav Pathak
Primary Teacher (English) 16
B. A. (Elt, Eco, Soc), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng, Skt, Eco)
photo Smt. Taruna Ghanshyam Sapre
Post Graduate Teacher (English) 5
B. A. (Elt, Eco, Soc), M.A. (English), B. Ed. (Eng, Eco), CTET (Primary Stage), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Aishwarya Hitendra Narsingkar
Primary Teacher (English) 6
B. A. (Eng, Soc, Psy), B. Ed. (Eng, Hist), Balshikshika, C-DAC, Dip in Civil Engineering
photo Shri. Monesh Chandrakant Thorat
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science) 12
B. A. (His, Pol, Elt), M. A. (Hist.), M. A. (Pol. Sci.)
M. Phil (Hist.), B. Ed. (Eng, Hist.), M. Ed., CTET (Elementary Stage), BMS, SET (Pol. Sci), MS-CIT, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Aparna Avinash Durge
Trained Graduate Teacher (History) 23
B. A. (Hist, Soc, Elt), M.A. (English), B. Ed. (Eng, Hist.)
photo Shri. Nagnath Gangadhar Chaple
Trained Graduate Teacher (History) 15
B. A. (Elt, Pol, Public Administration), B. A. Add (Hist.), M. A. (Eng, Pol. Sci), B. Ed. ( Civ, Eng), EPICT Certificaiton Course
photo Shri. Sebastian PJ
Primary Teacher (History) 9
B. A. (Elt, C/E, Psy), B. A. Add (His), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng, His)
photo Ms. Sonia Hiraman Nare
Trained Graduate Teacher (Geography) 18
B. A (Elt., Hlt., Geog.), B. Ed. (Eng., Geog)
photo Smt. Megha Charles Craig
Trained Graduate Teacher (Geography) 22
B. A. (Socio, Eco, Geog), M. A. (Geog), M. A. (Eng.), B. Ed. (Hindi, Geog), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Gayatri Surendra Wani
Trained Graduate Teacher (Geography) 16
B. A. (Elt, Eco, Geog), M. A. (Eng), M. A. (Geog), B. Ed. (Eng, Geog), S.E.T. (Geography), CTET (Elementary Stage), Typ (Eng – 40 wpm)
photo Smt. Sumana Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee
Primary Teacher (Social Science - History) 10
B. A. (Elt, His, Geog), M. A. (Geog), B. Ed. (Eng, Soc.Sci.)
photo Smt. Supriya Dinesh Nandurkar
P.R.T. (Social Science) 14
B. A (Elt, Geo, Psy), M. A. (Geo), B. Ed. (Eng, Geo)
photo Smt. Geeta Shailendra Dubey
Post Graduate Teacher (Economics) 27
B. Com, M. A. (Eco), B. Ed.(Eng., Eco), LLB, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Ratna Snehasis Guha
Post Graduate Teacher (Business Studies) 20
B. Com, B. A. Add (Elt), M. Com, M. A. (Eng) B. Ed (Commerce, Eco), B. Ed.Add (Eng), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Neha Avinash Mohabe
Post Graduate Teacher (Accountancy) 8
B. Com., M. Com, B. Ed. (Com, Eco)
photo Ms. Usharani Madanlal Chachra
Trained Graduate Teacher (Hindi) 23
B. A. (Hin Lt., Soc., Home Eco.), M. A. (Hindi), B. Ed. (Hindi, Home Sci.)
photo Smt. Saroj Vinod Sharma
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 22
B. A. (Pol., HEC, Psy), B. A. Add. (Hlt), M.A (Hindi), B. Ed (Geog., Hin.)
photo Smt. Vijayalaxmi Ravikant Meshram
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 19
B. A (His, Hlt, Pali Lt.), M. A. (Hindi), M. A. (History), B. Ed. (Hindi, Hist.), CTET (Primary & Elementary Stage), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Sonal Anil Singh Chouhan
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 20
B. A. (Hlt,His, Soc), M. A. (Public Adm.), B. Ed. (Hindi., Hist.)
photo Smt. Mrunalini Mangesh Ghare
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 21
B. A. (Hlt, Soc, Geog), M. A. (Hindi), B. Ed. (Hin, Geog)
photo Smt. Karuna Santosh Gupta
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 13
B. A. (His, Soc, Pol), B. A. (Add) - Hlt, M. Phil (Hin), M. A. (Hindi), B. Ed.(His, Hin) MS-CIT
photo Smt. Yogita Manohar Jaiswal
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 12
B. A. (Hlt, Pol. Sci., Soc.), M. A. (Hindi), B. Ed. (Hin., Soc.Stu.)
photo Smt. Vineeta Anil Pardeshi
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 20
B. A. (H.Eco, Pol, Psy), B. A. Add (Hlt), M.A. (Hindi), B. Ed. (Hin, Civ.)
photo Dr. Smt. Neelam Deepak Mishra
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 7
B. A. (Hlt, H Eco, Soc), M. A. (Hin), B. Ed. (Hin. H.Sci), NET. (Hin), Ph. D (Hindi), CTET (Primary Stage)
photo Smt. Neha Ritesh Kitukale
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 6
B. A. (Soc, Eco, Hlt), D. Ed., B. Ed. (Hin, Eng),
M. Ed., CTET (Primary Stage), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Shweta Bhushan Shedmake
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 11
B. A. (Hlt, Eco, H. Eco), M. A. (Hindi), M. Phil – (Hindi), B. Ed. (Hin, Eco)
photo Ms. Rupali Dyaneshwar Wat
Primary Teacher (Hindi) 12
B. A. (Hlt, H. Eco., Pol), M. A. (Hindi), M. A. (Mar), M. A. (Pol Sci), M. A. (Soc), B. Ed. (Hin, Civ), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Ranjana Rajeev Srivastava
Primary Incharge & Trained Graduate Teacher (Sanskrit) 24
B. A. (Sanskrit, Ancient Hist. & Instrumental Music-Tabla), M. A. (Ancient Hist., Culture & Archaeology), B. Ed. ( Sanskrit, Hindi, His) L. T.
photo Shri. Pravesh Keshaorao Meshram
Trained Graduate Teacher (Sanskrit) 18
B. A. (Soc.., Sans. Lit., Hist.), M. A. (Sanskrit & Hist),B. Ed (Sanskrit, Hist.), M. Phil (Sans), Dip. In teaching Sanskrit through English, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Suvarna Yogesh Fadnavis
Trained Graduate Teacher (Sanskrit) 20
B.A. (Phi, Elt., Pol), M. A. (Eng), M. A. (Sans), B. Ed (Eng., Civ), B. Ed. Add (Sans)
photo Smt. Kalyani Shrish Deshpande
Primary Teacher (Sanskrit) 16
B. A. (Slt, Psy, Mus), M. A. (English), B. Ed. (Sans, Mus), M. Ed., EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Pratibha Dushant Karamore
Primary Teacher (Sanskrit) 17
B. A. (Slt, Pys, Geog), M. A. (Psy), M. Phil (Psy), B. Ed. (Sans, Geog), CTET (Elementary Stage) Agam Exam, Sans Pravin Parksha, Sanskrit Parichaya Pariksha & MS-Office
photo Smt. Vishakha Prashant Joshi
Primary Teacher (Sanskrit) 17
B. A. (Slt, Mlt, Soc), M. A. (Mar.), B. Ed. (Sans, Mar)
photo Smt. Swapna Pravin Raut
Primary Teacher (Sanskrit) 4
B. A. (Geog, Psy., Slt), M A. (Sanskrit), D. Ed., B. Ed. (Mar, Sans, Geog), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Ratnamala Vinayak Deotale
Trained Graduate Teacher (Marathi) 20
B. A. (Home Eco., MLT, Psy.), M. A. (Mar.),
B. Ed. (Mar, H. Sc.)
photo Smt. Geeta Kiran Dolas
Primary Teacher (Marathi) 18
B. A. (Slt, Psy, Mus), B. A. Add (Mlt), M. A. (Mar), M. A. (Soc), M. Phil (Mar), M. Lib, B. Ed. (Sans, Mar)
photo Smt. Tejaswini Dhananjay Bhujade
Primary Teacher (Marathi) 16
B.A. (Mlt, Soc, H. Eco), M. A. (Mar), B. Ed. (Mar, H. Sci)
photo Smt. Sheetal Avinashrao Shelke
Primary Teacher (Marathi) 8
B. A. ( Mlt, Soc, Psy), M. A. (Mar), B. A. Add (Pol), B. Ed. (Mar, Civ), MS-CIT
photo Shri. Garimella Santoshanandsharma
Post Graduate Teacher (Mathematics) 11
B. Sc. (Phy, Elec., Math), M. Sc (Math), B. Ed. (Math, Phy)
photo Smt. Vishakha Shashikant Naphade
Post Graduate Teacher (Mathematics) 11
B. Sc (Phy, Math, Comp. Sci.), M. Sc. (Math), M. A. (Pub. Admn.), B. Ed. (Math, Phy), M. Ed.
photo Smt. Vanita Madhav Bobde
Trained Graduate Teacher (Mathematics) 26
B. Sc. (PCM), B. Ed. (Phy, Math), B. Math. Ed.
photo Shri. Gajanan Pandhari Kale
Trained Graduate Teacher (Mathematics) 19
B. Sc. (Maths, Physics, Comp. Sci.), B. Ed. (Maths, Physics), Dip. In Comp. Prog. & systems Mgt, Typing (Eng) 30wpm
photo Ms. Sonali Anilkumar Dey
Trained Graduate Teacher (Mathematics) 17
B. Sc. (Chem, Phys, Math), B. A. Add. (Elt), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng., Math), CTET (Primary & Elementary Stage), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Smita Sanjay Tamhankar
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 28
B. Sc. (Phy, Chem, Geo.), B. A. (Add.) Eco, B. Ed ( Bio., Chem), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Savita Rajesh Godbole
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 24
B. Sc. (Chem., Phys., Maths), B. A. Add (Elt), B. Ed. (Maths, Phys)
photo Smt. Saima Salman Ansari
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 17
B. Sc. (Phys, Math, Comp. Sci.), B. Ed. (Physics, Math), CTET (Primary Stage), CCCO, MS-CIT, NSS
photo Smt. Shivani Mahesh Dabir
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 26
B. Sc. (Phys., Maths., Elec.), M. Sc. (Maths), B. Ed. (Maths,Phys.)
photo Smt. Smita ShekharAswale
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 20
B. Sc. (Phys., Chem., Math) , B. Ed. (Chem., Math), CTET (Primay Stage), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Renuka Umesh Mahajan
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 12
B. Sc. (Phy, Maths, Elec), M. Sc (Elec.), B. Ed. (Maths, Phy), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Nimisha Devkumar Rathi
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 17
B. Sc. (PCM), M Sc. (App. Physics - Electronics) B. Ed. (Math, Eng)
photo Smt. Tanuja Himal Chandak
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 11
B. Sc. (PCM), B. Ed. (Math, Chem), CTET (Primary Stage), CCOC
photo Smt. Priyanka Yogesh Jichkar
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 6
B. Sc. (Ele, C/S, Math), M. Sc. (Math), B. Ed. (Math, Phy), MS-CIT
photo Ms. Sonali Diwakar Shende
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 11
B. Sc. (Phy, Math, Elec), M. Sc. (Math), B. Ed. (Math, Phy), Dip. In Information Technology, Adv. Dip in Information Technology
photo Smt. Sandhya Vivek Dani
Post Graduate Teacher (Chemistry) 25
B. Sc.(Che., Bot., Geo), M. Sc (Chem.),
B. Ed. (Chem., Bio.)
photo Dr. Smt. Tanishq Manish Chaudhari
Post Graduate Teacher (Chemistry) 17
B. Sc. (Chem, Zoo, Env. Sci.), M. Sc. (Organic Chem), B. Ed. (Chem, Bio), CTET (Primary Stage), Ph. D.(Chem), MS-CIT
photo Shri. Ravindra Anandrao Tadas
Post Graduate Teacher (Physics) 23
B. Sc.(PCM), M. Sc. (Physics), B. Ed. (Hindi, Sci), M. Phil (Engg. Physics), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Manisha Pravin Rathkanthiwar
Trained Graduate Teacher (Chemistry) 19
B. Sc(Che, Phy, Math), M. Sc. (Chemistry), B. Ed. (Math, Phy), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Archana Soumyendu Sarkar
Trained Graduate Teacher (Science- PCM) 25
B. Sc. (PCM), B. Ed (Phys, Math)
photo Smt. Vidya Anil Nandanwar
Trained Graduate Teacher (Biology) 22
B. Sc. (Che., Zoo, M/B), B. Ed. (Bio., Chem.)
photo Shri. Yogiraj Rupchand Tarone
Trained Graduate Teacher (Physics) 10
B. Sc. (Phy, Che, Math), M. Sc. (Phy.), B. Ed. (Phy, Math), CTET (Elementary Stage), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Rita Pankaj Tayde
Primary Teacher (Science) 25
B. Sc. (Bot., Zoo., Chem), M. Sc. (Bot.), B. Ed.(Bio. Chem.), CTET (Elementary Stage), Diploma in Textile Designing, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Neha Dilip Gauriharr
Primary Teacher (Science) 25
B. Sc. (Chem, Bot., Zoo.), M. Sc. (Chemistry) B. Ed (Chem., Bio.)
photo Smt. Santosh Preetpal Singh Purba
Primary Teacher (Science) 22
B. Sc (Microbio, Zoo, Chem), M. A. (Elt), B. Ed. (Bio., Chem.)
photo Smt. Sanjivani Anil Umare
Primary Teacher (Science) 21
B. Sc (CBZ), M. Sc. (Zoo), B. Ed. (Bio, Chem), P. G. D. in Computer Analysis and Application
photo Smt. Rashmi Bhushan Chourikar
Trained Graduate Teacher (Biology) 16
B. Sc. (CBZ), B. A. Add (Elt), M.S.W., M. Sc. (Botany), B. Ed. (Eng, Bio), Diploma in Information & Systems Management
photo Smt. Pooja Hemant Madhan
Primary Teacher (Science) 12
B. Sc. (Chem, Bot , Zoo), M. A. (English), M.A. (Psychology), B. Ed. (Bio, Chem), M. Ed, CTET (Primary & Elementary Stage), NET (Edu.)
photo Ms. Swati Anilkumar Choudhary
Primary Teacher (Science) 7
B. Sc. (Phy, Chem., Maths), M. Sc. (Chem), B. Ed.(Phy, Chem, Maths)
photo Smt. Sarika Shivendra Mishra
Primary Teacher (Science) 28
B. Sc. (Che., Zoo., Bot.), B. A. (Eng. Lt), B. Ed (Chem. Bio), EPICT Certificaiton Course
photo Smt. Nandini Manish Jaiswal
Primary Teacher (Science) 23
B. Sc. (Che., Zoo., M/B), B. A. Add (Elt), B. Ed. (Chem., Bio), CTET (Primary Stage), Typ (Eng) 30wpm
photo Smt. Leena Abhijit Rajkondawar
Primary Teacher (Mathematics) 21
B. Sc. (Phys, Chem, Math), M. Sc. (Chemistry), B. Ed (Math, Chem.), CTET (Primary Stage), Adv. Diploma in Software Engineering, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Sarika Emmanuel Casmir
Primary Teacher (Science) 18
B. Sc. (Bio-Chem., Chem., Zoology), B. Ed. (Phy. Sci., Math), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Saroj Rajendra Mandourney
Primary Teacher (Science) 25
B. Sc. (Chem., Zoo., M/B), M. Sc.(Zoology), B. Ed. (Bio., Chem.), MS-Office
photo Smt. Nilima Naresh Trivedi
Primary Teacher (Social Studies) 19
B. Com., B. A. Add (Elt.), B. Ed. (Comm, Eco), Dip. In Montessori Teachers Training, EPICT Certificaiton Course
photo Smt. Meena Vinod Gurwe
Primary Teacher (Science) 22
B. H. Sc., B A Add(Elt), M. H. Sc, B. Ed (Bio., Chem)
photo Smt. Shubhra Vishwajeet Dasgupta
Primary Teacher (Science) 16
B. Sc (PCM), B. Ed. (Phys, Chem) Dip in Software Technology
photo Smt. Prajakta Gunvanta Nagrale
Primary Teacher (Science) 14
B. Sc. (Phy, Comp. Sci., Math) M.Sc. (Phy) B. Ed. (Physics, Math), CTET (Primary Stage), EPICT Certification Course
photo Ms. Neeta Ranjeet Kumar Verma
Primary Teacher (All Subjects) 23
B. Sc. (CBZ), M. A. (Pol. Sci), B. Ed. (Hindi, Civics), CTET (Primary Stage)
photo Smt. Shweta Niraj Tiwari
Primary Teacher (All Subjects) 21
B. A. (Eco, Soc, Elt), M. A. (Eng), B. Ed. (Eng, His), Montessori Teachers Training
photo Smt. Alfia Salman Husain
Primary Teacher (All Subjects) 11
B. Sc. (Zoo, Bio-Chem, Chem), M. Sc. (Dietetics), B. Ed. (Bio, Chem)
photo Smt. Bhvishka Pankaj Sugandh
Post Graduate Teacher (Psychology) 5
B. Sc. (H. Sci.), M. A.(Clinical Psychology), B. Ed. (H. Sci., Bio.), M. Ed., NET (Edu.)
photo Ms. Nutan Babarao Bhagwat
Post Graduate Teacher (Legal Studies) 1
B.A. L.L.B., L.L.M.
photo Shri. Vivekanandsingh Ramsingh Solanki
Post Graduate Teacher (Computer Science) 24
B. Sc. (Maths, Physics, Comp. Sci.), M. Sc. (Comp. Sci.), B. Ed., MS-CIT, EPICT Certification Course
photo Shri. Pramod Kumar Shivbhushan Sharma
Post Graduate Teacher (Computer Science) 20
B. Sc. (Phy, Maths, C/S), M. Sc. (Computer Science), Typ – Eng (40 wpm), EPICT Certification Course
photo Shri. Manish Bhaskarrao Bansinge
Trained Graduate Teacher (Computer Science) 17
B. Sc. (Phy, Math, C/S), M. Sc. (Comp. Sci.), Cisco Certified Network Associate Course, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Sameena Kausar
Primary Teacher (Computer Science) 22
B. Sc (Phy, Math, Elec.), ADCSSAA, PGDCS, MCM, PGDSLM, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Alpana Pande
Primary Teacher (Computer Science) 20
B. Sc.(CBZ), B. Ed. (Eng, Bio.), MCM, PGDCCA, Honours Dip in Systems Mgt. (NIIT), EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Nitu Abhishek Bhagat
Primary Teacher (Computer Science) 15
B. Sc. (Comp. Application-Hons, Math, Chemistry), M. Sc. (Computer Science), B. Ed. (Physical Sci., Math), Computer Application Training Programme in Programming, EPICT Certification Course
photo Smt. Nupur Madhur Popli
Primary Teacher (Computer Science) 4
B. E., B. Ed. (Maths-Science, Physics), CTET (Primary & Elementary Stage)
photo Shri. Abhay Dattatraya Kulkarni
Primary Teacher (Elec. Gadgets) 18
B. Sc.(PCM), M. Sc. (Applied Electronics), Dip in Comp., Hardware Maintenance, PGDCS
photo Shri. Dinesh Pandhari Salunke
Art & Craft Teacher 28
B.F.A., A.T.D., A. M.
photo Smt. Aruna Sarang Ubgade
Art & Craft Teacher 20
B. F.A., M.F.A.
photo Smt. Asawari Vinod Pusadkar
Art & Craft Teacher 17
B. F. A. (Drawing & Painting)
photo Shri. Sharad Shivlal Rangari
Art & Craft Teacher 13
B.F.A.(Drawing & Painting), M.F.A. (Creative Painting), Diploma in Art Education
photo Smt. Mukta Nitin Dhargawe
Physical Education Teacher 20
B. A. (Soc, Mlt, Geog), M. A. (Mar.), M.P.Ed, NIS, Diploma in Sports Coaching (Handball), MS-CIT
photo Smt. Payal Rakesh Buche
Physical Education Teacher 16
B. A. (Soc, Geog, H. Eco), B. P. Ed., Diploma in Sports Coaching (Basketball)
photo Smt. Kalyani Bapu Shende
Physical Education Teacher 17
B. A. (Mlt, His., Soc.), B. P. Ed, M. P. Ed
photo Shri. Omprakash Suresh Wasnik
Physical Education Teacher 18
B. A.(Soc, Pol., His.), B. P. Ed., M. P.Ed., NET (Phy. Edu.)
photo Shri. Hemant Shashikant Siriah
Physical Education Teacher 24
B. Com, B. P. Ed., M. P.Ed.
photo Smt. Sangita Pravin Bhure
Physical Education Teacher 15
B. A. (Soc, Eco, Pol), M. A. (Eco), B. P. Ed., M. P. Ed., CCCO, DTP, Tally, MS-Office
photo Shri. Roshan Gupta
Physical Education Teacher 10
B. Com, B. P. Ed, M. P. Ed, S.E.T. (Phy. Edu.), MS-CIT
photo Shri. Ankit Ajay Sinha
Physical Education Teacher 8
B.P.E, B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed
photo Smt. Priya Pankaj Thugaonkar
Physical Education Teacher 12
B. A. (Slt, Soc, H.Ec), B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed.
photo Shri. Abhishek Sunil Vaitage
Physical Education Teacher (Male) 1
B.P.E, B.P.Ed., MS-CIT
photo Smt. Bhagyashree Vinay Deshpande
Primary Teacher (Music) 26
B. A. (Mus. Geo, Phi.,), M. A. (Music), B. Ed. (Mar, Geog.), Sangeet VisharadB. A. (Mus. Geog, Phi.,), M. A. (Music), B. Ed. (Mar, Geog.), Sangeet Visharad
photo Shri. Nilesh Harishchandra Sawarkar
Primary Teacher (Music) 16
H.S.S.C., Sangeet Visharad (Vocal)